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Left 38 days
Программа питания «Набор»
Набор мышечной массы осуществляется за счет баланса быстрых и медленных углеводов в сочетании с оптимальными значениями белков и жиров. 7 приемов пищи на каждый день помогут без стресса для организма добиться желаемой цели.
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Pay per purchase 102.56 руб. + 8.00%:
Payment for the order of a new client - 8%
Payment for a repeated order of a client - 102.56 rubles.
Left 38 days
Программа питания «Баланс»
Равное соотношение белков и углеводов и оптимальное количество жиров поможет поддерживать текущий вес, улучшить состояние здоровья и нормализовать обмен веществ. Рацион рассчитан на 6 приемов пищи в день. Блюда не повторяются месяц.
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Pay per purchase 102.56 руб. + 8.00%:
Payment for the order of a new client - 8%
Payment for a repeated order of a client - 102.56 rubles.
Left 38 days
Программа питания «Detox»
Очищение и легкость. 8 бутылочек соков и смузи в день.
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Pay per purchase 102.56 руб. + 8.00%:
Payment for the order of a new client - 8%
Payment for a repeated order of a client - 102.56 rubles.
Left 38 days
Программа питания «Хит»
Здоровая основа вашего рациона! Вкусный завтрак, два сытных горячих блюда с достаточным содержанием белка и салат. Низкокалорийное меню позволит не отказываться от любимых напитков и фруктов.
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Pay per purchase 102.56 руб. + 8.00%:
Payment for the order of a new client - 8%
Payment for a repeated order of a client - 102.56 rubles.
Left 38 days
Скидка -50% на пробный заказ!
Скидка -50% на пробный заказ! 12 готовых блюд на 2 дня.
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Pay per purchase 102.56 руб. + 8.00%:
Payment for the order of a new client - 8%
Payment for a repeated order of a client - 102.56 rubles.
Left 38 days
Nutrition program "Set"
Gaining muscle mass is achieved through a balance of fast and slow carbohydrates in combination with optimal levels of proteins and fats. 7 meals every day will help you achieve your desired goal without stressing your body.
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Pay per purchase 102.56 руб. + 8.00%:
Payment for the order of a new client - 8%
Payment for a repeated order of a client - 102.56 rubles.
Left 38 days
Nutrition program "Balance"
An equal ratio of proteins and carbohydrates and the optimal amount of fat will help maintain your current weight, improve your health and normalize your metabolism. The diet is designed for 6 meals a day. Dishes are not repeated for a month.
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Pay per purchase 102.56 руб. + 8.00%:
Payment for the order of a new client - 8%
Payment for a repeated order of a client - 102.56 rubles.
Left 38 days
“Detox” nutrition program
Cleansing and lightness. 8 bottles of juices and smoothies per day.
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Pay per purchase 102.56 руб. + 8.00%:
Payment for the order of a new client - 8%
Payment for a repeated order of a client - 102.56 rubles.
Left 38 days
Nutrition program "Hit"
A healthy foundation for your diet! Delicious breakfast, two hearty hot dishes with enough protein and a salad. A low-calorie menu will allow you not to give up your favorite drinks and fruits.
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Pay per purchase 102.56 руб. + 8.00%:
Payment for the order of a new client - 8%
Payment for a repeated order of a client - 102.56 rubles.
Left 38 days
-50% discount on trial order!
-50% discount on trial order! 12 ready meals for 2 days.
More details
Pay per purchase 102.56 руб. + 8.00%:
Payment for the order of a new client - 8%
Payment for a repeated order of a client - 102.56 rubles.
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